Long Covid: The Ultimate Guide

As the Covid-19 pandemic progressed, some patients began reporting chronic, sometimes debilitating symptoms that would last long past the initial infection period.  This phenomenon, known as Long Covid, can cause a range of symptoms that make it difficult for sufferers to return to their previous level of functioning. 

Advanced Regenerative Therapy offers advanced evidence-based treatments for post-Covid patients. In this guide, we’ll explore what Long Covid is, what its symptoms are, and some of the best therapy options available.

What is Long Covid? 

Long Covid is a lingering effect of the Covid-19 virus that can cause more serious illness. There is no specific treatment for Long Covid, but there are treatments that may help improve a person’s chance of recovering.

what is long covid

Long Covid, or post-Covid syndrome, is a broad range of new, returning, or ongoing medical conditions some people may experience. Symptoms persist for more than four weeks after being infected with SARS-CoV-2.

Long-hauler Covid can manifest in a variety of ways and at various degrees of severity. Even individuals who did not have any symptoms during active infection may suffer from Long Covid, which might take on a variety of forms. Symptoms may resolve within 3-6 months or last for almost any amount of time.

What Are the Symptoms of Long Covid?

The coronavirus affects all organ systems, causing cell damage throughout the body. For Covid long haulers, fatigue, respiratory issues, sensory issues, joint pain, and gastrointestinal issues can be life-altering.

There is still a lot unknown about Long Covid, but we do know that symptoms can persist for weeks and even months after initial infection.

The symptoms of long Covid are similar to those of Covid-19. 

Patients may have anxiety, depression, and insomnia. For many, one of the worst symptoms is cognitive dysfunction or brain fog. For some, there is also a loss of taste and smell that doesn’t go away.

Cardiac symptoms may include heart palpitations from tachycardia and bradycardia and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). Patients may also experience chest pain, shortness of breath, and swollen legs.

Neurological symptoms can include headaches, dizziness, balance problems, and vision changes. Shortness of breath is the most common respiratory problem following Covid due to hypoxemia caused by damage to the lungs.

Some Covid long-haulers report a loss of appetite from gastrointestinal symptoms, and some may experience persistent bowel issues like diarrhea and IBS after coronavirus infection. Kidneys may be affected as well, as they suffer damage while filtering the body.  

In terms of skin conditions, some recovering Covid-19 patients experience hair loss and rashes as symptoms. Joint pain is another frequent complaint, along with unexplained fever and general weakness.

long covid treatment

Repair Cellular Damage from Covid-19

The damage from Long Covid can be broken down into three categories:

Direct Cell Damage

Because the virus damages cells throughout the body, including cells in the brain, organs, and tissues, novel coronavirus infection can cause lingering symptoms as the body attempts to repair itself. This suggests that individuals who have had Covid-19 may take a long time to fully recover, and may continue to experience symptoms as a result of the direct cell damage caused by the virus.

Post-Hospitalization Covid Cell Damage

Another type of Covid long hauler case occurs when a patient’s symptoms are caused by lengthy hospitalization. This is when someone stays in the hospital ICU for days and weeks on end, bed-bound and receiving treatment. Patients may suffer from muscular weakness and cognitive brain impairment as a result of being hospitalized with Covid. 

There is also unique psychosocial stress that causes post-traumatic stress disorder-like syndrome, also known as post-ICU care syndrome, that comes from chronic hospitalization.

Lastly, stem cell therapy has been shown to slow down the aging process by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. This is because stem cells help promote regeneration and turnover of healthy cells, which helps reduce the amount of damage that occurs over time.

Post-Recovery Covid Cell Damage

Occasionally, we see Covid long hauler cases in which symptoms appear after recovery. 

Covid itself can produce a variety of symptoms, which is why there can be a 30-year-old who doesn’t make it and a 70-year-old who is completely healthy and asymptomatic. That’s because there are a variety of patient variables to consider, including a person’s unique immune system, and the effects both infection and immune response have on the body’s cells. 

As inflammatory biomarkers and the immune system interact with each other, it’s possible for symptoms to develop after recovering from coronavirus.

How Is Long Covid Different from Covid?

The main difference between Long Covid and Covid is the length of time that symptoms persist. With long-hauler cases, patients may experience symptoms for weeks or even months after initial infection. Even after testing negative for Covid, cellular and tissue damage can cause long-lasting side effects and symptoms that leave patients feeling ill. 

long haul covid differences

What is the Prognosis for Someone with Long Covid?

The prognosis for someone with Long Covid varies depending on the individual’s age and health condition. In general, people with Long Covid have a poorer prognosis than those with other forms of the virus, and some long-haulers may be at increased risk of conditions like diabetes. However, with treatment, many people do recover and find relief from symptoms.

How is Long Covid Treated?

There is no specific treatment for Long Covid. However, there are treatments that may help relieve uncomfortable symptoms and improve your chances of recovering. These treatments include rest, nutritional support, biologic therapies, and IV therapy. In some cases, people may also need to be hospitalized and given antibiotics or other medications.

Covid Long-Hauler Treatments

Treatment for Long Covid involves treating inflammation, balancing the body’s immune response, and triggering the body’s natural regenerative abilities. 

Advanced Integrative Wellness Centers of Atlanta offer a range of evidence-based treatments for post-Covid syndrome.  Some of our most popular treatments include:

Biological Therapies

Biological therapies work by harnessing the immune system to fight disease. This can be done through the use of biological agents that help to boost the body’s natural healing process. We use peptides and other biologics to help improve the body’s response to inflammation and help stimulate the regeneration of damaged tissue.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a treatment that helps to restore hormonal balance in the body. This can be done through the use of creams, gels, or pellets that are inserted under the skin. 

BHRT can be extremely helpful in restoring balance and reducing inflammation and other symptoms associated with Long Covid.

Cellular Therapy

Cellular therapy uses cells from the body to promote healing. These cells can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including Long Covid. Stem cells and mesenchymal cells are two types of cellular therapy that have been shown to be effective in treating symptoms after Coronavirus infection.

IV Therapy

IV therapy is a treatment that delivers essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients directly to the bloodstream. This helps to improve the overall health of the patient and can help to reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Myer’s Cocktail and immune support IV treatments are popular options for long hauler post-Covid patients. These infusions are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help to improve the function of the immune system and reduce inflammation throughout the body.

Vibration Therapy

With whole-body Vibration Therapy, the patient stands or sits on a platform that vibrates at a high frequency. This therapy helps to stimulate blood flow, reduce inflammation, and promote lymphatic drainage to clear the body of toxins more efficiently.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy uses light energy to stimulate the body’s natural healing process. This therapy can be used to reduce inflammation, pain, and other symptoms associated with Long Covid. This deep-penetrating light helps to repair damaged tissue and promote the regeneration of healthy cells.

Nutritional Counseling

Nutritional counseling is a treatment that helps patients to identify and address nutritional deficiencies. This can be done through the use of dietary changes, targeted supplements, or both. 

Nutritional counseling can help to improve overall symptoms and help the body to heal more quickly.

Get Treatment for Long Covid

Advanced Regenerative Therapy offers evidence-based treatment options for long-haul Covid patients. Our team of specialists can help you to identify the symptoms that are causing you distress and provide treatments that can help to improve your quality of life. We offer Myer’s Cocktail and immune support IV treatments, cellular therapy, laser therapy, biologic treatments, and more. 

Contact our Atlanta office today to learn about advanced treatment options available today for post-Covid syndrome and symptoms.

Long Covid or Long Haul Covid is a term used to describe the lasting symptoms experienced by some people who have had Covid-19.

These symptoms can include fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping. Some people also experience ongoing respiratory problems.

Patients may have anxiety, depression, and insomnia. For many, one of the worst symptoms is cognitive dysfunction or brain fog. For some, there is also a loss of taste and smell that doesn’t go away.

Cardiac symptoms may include heart palpitations from tachycardia and bradycardia and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). Patients may also experience chest pain, shortness of breath, and swollen legs.

Neurological symptoms can include headaches, dizziness, balance problems, and vision changes. Shortness of breath is the most common respiratory problem following Covid due to hypoxemia caused by damage to the lungs.

There is no specific treatment for long haul COVID-19, but there are things that can help manage symptoms. Treatment focuses on relieving symptoms and supporting the respiratory system such as peptides, IV nutrient therapy, laser therapy, and more.

There is still a lot unknown about “long Covid,” but it seems to be different from regular Covid in a few ways. For one, long Covid can last for weeks or even months after initial infection, while regular Covid generally only lasts for a few weeks. Additionally, long Covid can cause lingering symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, and chest pain, while regular Covid symptoms generally subside quickly.