Women’s Health: Guide to Menopause and Hot Flashes

Women’s health is a topic that is often ignored, but it is something that we should all be paying attention to. One of the most important aspects of women’s health is menopause. This process can begin anytime between the ages of 45 and 55, and it marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years. In this article, we will discuss menopause and its symptoms. We will explore why symptoms happen and how you can treat them with advanced integrative medicine and functional healthcare treatments like hormone replacement therapy, dietary supplements, and peptide therapy.

Symptoms of Menopause

Symptoms of menopause can begin months or even years before menopause officially starts. Some of the most common symptoms include hot flashes, vaginal dryness, memory problems, and changes in mood, such as depression, irritability, or anxiety. Menopause symptoms are primarily caused by a natural decrease in estrogen production, but they may be worsened by imbalances within the body.

symptoms of menopause

Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are one of the most commonly reported symptoms during menopause, with up to 75% of women reporting experience with them. Hot flashes can occur at any time, but they often happen when a woman is sleeping or resting quietly. They consist of feelings of intense heat and sweating that spread through the upper body and face. Some women also experience rapid heartbeat, dizziness, nausea, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping. The exact cause of hot flashes is unknown, but they are thought to be related to changing hormone levels. Estrogen levels decline during menopause, and this may lead to the dilation of blood vessels in the skin. This causes more heat to be released from the body, which results in the feeling of sudden warmth and discomfort. Similarly, night sweats are often reported during menopause and are caused by the same hormonal changes. Night sweats can cause you to wake up drenched in sweat, feeling soaked and uncomfortable. They can disrupt your sleep cycle and leave you feeling exhausted during the day.

Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness occurs during menopause because estrogen levels decline. This hormone is responsible for keeping the vagina moist and elastic. Without estrogen, the walls of the vagina can thin and become less lubricated. This can lead to painful intercourse, urinary tract infections, and other problems.

Memory Problems

It’s typical for people to become forgetful as they grow older and go through menopause. It’s common to misplace your keys, forget why you went into a room, or forget someone’s name. Memory problems during menopause can be worsened by imbalances within the gut, brain, and body. Like many symptoms of menopause, memory problems are frequently related to hormone changes. Estrogen is important for brain health, and reduced levels of this hormone can result in cognitive problems such as memory loss or difficulty concentrating. Memory loss during menopause is often temporary, but it can be severe enough to cause problems at work or school. If you’re experiencing severe memory loss, we recommend speaking with your doctor right away for effective treatment options.

Mood Changes

Many women experience mood swings during menopause, including depression, irritability, anger, sadness, and anxiety. Mood changes during menopause can be serious and may need to be treated by a healthcare professional. Feelings of sadness, emptiness, and worthlessness are common in women with depression. Irritability and anger can be directed at others or even oneself. Anxiety is characterized by feelings of worry or fear that interfere with daily activities. Hormone changes are again thought to be responsible for these changes, but they may also be due to the stress of menopause.

How to Treat Menopause Symptoms

There are a number of ways to treat menopause symptoms. Some women choose to simply wait it out, while others use over-the-counter medications or prescription drugs to relieve their discomfort. However, there are many safer and more effective menopause treatments available.

Advanced Regenerative Therapy offers a range of menopause treatments in the Atlanta area. We provide hormone replacement therapy, dietary supplements, and peptide therapy for menopausal symptoms. Our services are provided by highly trained physicians who specialize in treating menopause and other conditions of aging.

menopause concerns

Treating Menopause and Hot Flashes with Integrative Medicine

There are many ways to treat the symptoms of menopause. Advanced integrative medicine and functional healthcare treatments like hormone replacement therapy, dietary supplements, and peptide therapy can be very effective in relieving menopause symptoms for patients.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is one of the oldest and most effective menopause treatments available. It involves the administration of estrogen and progestin to replace hormones that are naturally occurring in a woman’s body. This treatment can help relieve menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and vaginal dryness, which are caused by declining levels of estrogen during menopause.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a form of menopause treatment that uses hormones identical to those found naturally in the human body. These natural hormones are derived from plant sources and are thought to be more effective and safer than synthetic hormones. They may be a good option for women who want to avoid the side effects associated with traditional HRT.

Nutritional Supplements

Some women experience menopause symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and night sweats. These menopausal symptoms can be treated with some natural supplements including omega-fatty acids (fish oil), calcium citrate malate, vitamin D, and magnesium oxide. These nutrients are important for keeping the body healthy and may help to reduce menopause symptoms like hot flashes and vaginal dryness.

IV Nutrition for Women

IV Nutrition can help women who are experiencing menopause symptoms. The nutrients in IV nutrition, like vitamin B12 and magnesium, may help to relieve symptoms of hot flashes and night sweats. IV nutrition therapy can also help restore balance to the body and improve overall health.

Peptide Therapy

Peptides are small proteins that help the body build muscle tissue and regulate hormone levels. They are often used to treat menopause symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and night sweats. Peptide therapy involves the injection of peptides into the body in order to help relieve menopausal symptoms. Peptide Therapy has been found in studies to increase growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor -1 levels, which can help you feel as young as you did years ago.

CJC 1285 and ipamorelin, two HGH-boosting peptides, can help perimenopausal, menopausal, and postmenopausal women with symptoms such as sexual health issues, bone loss, and cognitive difficulties caused by the loss of HGH. Advanced Regenerative Therapy clients frequently obtain the best results with menopause treatments that use HGH peptide therapy.

Peptide therapy using CJC 1295 and ipamorelin has been shown to:

  • Improve libido and sexual performance
  • Increase energy and stamina
  • Strengthen bones
  • Improve hair health and skin appearance
  • Improve the body’s ability to burn fat and build muscle
  • Boost memory and cognition
  • Improve overall health and wellbeing

How is an Integrative Wellness and Functional Medicine Approach Different from Traditional Medicine?

The integrative approach to menopause is the same as the integrative approach for any illness: to fully evaluate a patient’s health and lifestyle and try to provide remedies to correct any imbalances. We work with each patient to help them understand what they need to know in order to take control of their health and make positive changes. We assist patients in reaching their health goals with mind-body exercises, herbs and supplements, dietary and nutritional modifications, and sometimes conventional medical therapy.

Hot flashes are an excellent illustration of a symptom that may be addressed through a variety of integrative treatments. If you suffer from hot flashes, our advanced healthcare practitioners might explore a combination of options, including:

  • Black cohosh: This herbal treatment for menopause can help with symptoms when used appropriately. It works by keeping hormone levels stable and reducing hot flashes – but it may not be a suitable supplement for everyone.
  • Meditation and hypnosis: These also well-researched and effective treatments for hot flashes focus on the mind-body connection to reduce stress. 
  • Nutrition: Hot flashes are known to be associated with vitamin and nutrition deficiencies as well as other imbalances within the body.
  • Alternative Treatments: Certain patients may also undergo acupuncture, massage, and other advanced integrative medical treatments in order to alleviate uncomfortable menopause symptoms.

Unlike traditional medicine, which often treats the symptoms of menopause, Advanced Regenerative Therapy seek to restore balance in the body, target the cause of menopausal symptoms, and improve overall health and wellness.

Get Menopause Treatment Today

Advanced Regenerative Therapy offers a variety of menopause treatments that can help you manage your symptoms. If you are experiencing menopause symptoms, please contact us to schedule a consultation. We would be happy to help find the best integrative treatment plan for you.

feeling relief from menopause